Rebecca’s Tango journey began in 1999 while pursuing her BFA at the University of Oregon. 20 years later and her feet have never stopped dancing!! From 2000 Rebecca has lived and taught within numerous communities in the USA, and around the world. Now, after 5 years teaching in Berlin, she is back in the USA. As a teacher Rebecca has always believed in the transformative process of learning Tango and is fueled by the metamorphosis of her students. She offers accessible compassionate guidance combined with a deep understanding of both following and leading, music, and ever-evolving technique. As a DJ she strives to bring a warm atmosphere to the Milonga, encouraging seamless Tandas and easy dancing.
To study Argentine Tango is to study living. Beyond the specificity of system, form, music and techniques we touch the Human need to connect. Our ache to move in Connection, to share, and to express. A practice of presence and the quality of attention The medium of Tango allows us to dive in to a dimension of other-self, when 2 individuals co-create a realized unique dance in the moment and
photo credit: rené löffler